Christian Kelly 写道:
> Hi Calum,
> heh, as it happens, I was tinkering with pygtk to see how difficult this 
> would be :)
> Supposing I have a ZFS on my machine called root/export/home which is 
> mounted on /export/home. Then I have my home dir as /export/home/chris. 
> Say I only want to snapshot and backup /export/home/chris/Documents. I 
> can't create a snapshot of /export/home/chris/Documents as it is a 
> directory, I have to create a snapshot of the parent ZFS, in this case 
> /export/home/. So there isn't really the granularity that the attached 
> spec implies. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I just tried it and 
> it didn't work.
> I've had a bit of a look at 'Time Machine' and I'd be more in favour of 
> that style of backup. Just back up everything so I don't have to think 
> about it. My feeling is that picking individual directories out just 
> causes confusion. Think of it this way: how much change is there on a 
> daily basis on your desktop/laptop? Those snapshots aren't going to grow 
> very quickly.
Time Machine is storing all in the system by default, but you still can 
select some ones that you don't like to store. And Time Machine don't 
use ZFS.
Here we will use ZFS snapshot, and what it's working with is file 
system. In Nevada, the default file system is not ZFS, it means some 
directory is not ZFS, so seems you have to select some directory which 
is ZFS, and it's impossible for you to store all, (some are not ZFS)...
> -Christian
> Calum Benson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We've been thinking a little about a more integrated desktop presence  
>> for Tim Foster's ZFS backup and snapshot services[1].  Here are some  
>> initial ideas about what a Phase 0 (snapshot only, not backup) user  
>> experience might look like... comments welcome.
>> (I'm not subscribed to zfs-discuss, so please make sure either  
>> desktop-discuss or I remain cc'ed on any replies if you want me to  
>> see them...)
>> Cheeri,
>> Calum.
>> [1]
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