Is there anyone who has successfully put together a "high-powered" mini-itx ZFS 
box that would be willing to post their system specs?

I'm eyeballing the KI690-AM2...

...but am having a difficult time locating it and a suitable case currently.  I 
was in negotiations with a hardware source, but he/his company disappeared 
(thank goodness I hadn't ordered from him!).

Thoughts/advice?   Any other suggestions for a mini-itx (or other small form 
factor) mobo that supports enough ram/cpu/SATA ?

My goals & constraints for this system are:
*) ZFS -- I want this to run opensolaris/ZFS
*) Size -- I don't have room for anything bigger than the Chenbro ES34069 case
*) Power -- I want to be able to put a hefty chunk of RAM and a nice cpu in it, 
because I'd like this box to be multi-purpose (eventually)

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