I would love to go back to using shuttles.

Actually, my ideal setup would be:

Shuttle XPC w/ 2x PCI-e x8 or x16 lanes
2x PCI-e eSATA cards (each with 4 eSATA port multiplier ports)
then I could chain up to 8 enclosures off a single small, nearly silent host 

8 enclosures x 5 drives = 40 drives... and it leaves open the possibility to 
change enclosures and find the quietest ones too. I got tired of  having large 
beefy machines a while ago. Problem is, eSATA/PMP support isn't very mature yet 
even in opensolaris.

I would be open to building a 5 drive mini-NAS box using ZFS, if I had more 
money to throw on ordering (and possibly returning, depending on if it worked 
or not) the right equipment. There's a variety of components I've been 
monitoring for just such a project, but I am wary due to hardware compatibility 

I am not sure I can find small enough components that will allow for 4 gigs of 
ram, silence, proper heat disappation and a boot environment for Solaris. Also, 
that solves the hardware/main OS piece; creating some sort of fun web-based UI 
and making some sort of appliance out of it would be a great next step.

Sun should totally be looking into ZFS-based small business/home NAS boxes. 
Like the ReadyNAS style - basically just 5 drives, and somehow work with a case 
manufacturer to get a chassis that can fit a decent chip in there worthy of 
powering ZFS/CIFS/NFS and related stuff, a 64bit OS, 4 gig ram etc.

So far I've found the Chenbro 4 drive one, I built it, it's quiet and neat and 
all, but it's only 32-bit, I think it maxes out at 2 gig ram, etc. The VIA 
stuff is cool too because the current generation comes with onboard crypto 
which is -amazingly- fast, and would be great in combination with ZFS crypto 
(think about all those dentist, doctor offices, banking/financial institutions, 
etc which need workstation and backup storage... I see a -huge- market there 
myself, and crypto would meet the HIPPA and financial privacy needs), snapshots 
would probably be damn useful for all of them too!
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