On 10/01/08 10:46, Al Hopper wrote:
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Moore, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ian Collins wrote:
I think you'd be surprised how large an organisation can migrate most,
if not all of their application servers to zones one or two Thumpers.

Isn't that the reason for buying in "server appliances"?

Assuming that the application servers can coexist in the "only" 16GB available on a 
thumper, and the "only" 8GHz of CPU core speed, and the fact that the System controller 
is a massive single point of failure for both the applications and the storage.

You may have a difference of opinion as to what a large organization is, but 
the reality is that the thumper series is good for some things in a large 
enterprise, and not good for some things.

Agreed.  My biggest issue with the Thumper is that all the disks are
7,200RPM SATA and have limited IOPS.   I'd like to see the Thumper
configurations offered allowing a user chosen mixture
of SAS and SATA drives with 7,200 and 15K RPM spindle speeds.   And
yes - I agree - you need as much RAM in the box as you can afford; ZFS
loves lots and lots of RAM and your users will love the performance
that large memory ZFS boxes provide.

Did'nt they just offer a thumper with more RAM recently???

The x4540 has twice the DIMM slots and # of cores. It also uses an LSI disk controller. Still 48 sata disks @ 7200 rpm. You can "build a thumper" using any rack mount server you like and the J4200/J4400 JBOD arrays. Then you can mix and match drives types (SATA and SAS). The server portion could have as many as 16/32 cores and 32/64 DIMM slots (the x4450/X4640). You'll use up a little more rack space but the drives will be serviceable without shutting down the system.

I think Thumper/Thor fills a specific role (maximum disk density in a minimum chassis). I'd doubt that it will change much.


Matt Sweeney
Systems Engineer
Sun Microsystems
585-368-5930/x29097     desk
585-727-0573    cell

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