Nigel Smith wrote:
> Ok on the answers to all my questions.
> There's nothing that really stands out as being obviously wrong.
> Just out of interest, what build of OpenSolaris are you using?
> One thing you could try on the Ethernet capture file, is to set
> the WireShark 'Time' column like this:
> "View > Time Display Format > Seconds Since Previous Displayed Packet"
> Then look down the time column for any unusual high time delays
> between packets. Any unusually high delays during
> a data transfer phase, may indicate a problem.

Along with the errors that I noted previously, some of the packets to
seem to be taking a rather long time (>0.5s).

I've taken a cap file from wireshark in the hope it clears up some
information. The capture is less than a minute of playing a video over
the cifs share.

It's a little too large to send in a mail so I've posted it at

> Another thing you could try is measuring network performance
> with a utility called 'iperf'.

Thanks for pointing this program out, I've just run it to the gentoo
firewall we've got, and it's reporting good speeds for the network.


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