>>>>> "wm" == Will Murnane <will.murn...@gmail.com> writes:

    >>     * SR = Software RAID IT = Integrate. Target mode. IR mode
    >> is not supported.
    wm> Integrated target mode lets you export some storage attached
    wm> to the host system (through another adapter, presumably) as a
    wm> storage device.  IR mode is almost certainly Internal RAID,
    wm> which that card doesn't have support for.

no, the supermicro page for AOC-USAS-L8i does claim support for all
three, and supermicro has an ``IR driver'' available for download for
Linux and Windows, or at least a link to one.

I'm trying to figure out what's involved in determining and switching
modes, why you'd want to switch them, what cards support which modes,
which solaris drivers support which modes, u.s.w.

The answer may be very simple, like ``the driver supports only IR.
Most cards support IR, and cards that don't support IR won't work.  IR
can run in single-LUN mode.  Some IR cards support RAID5, others
support only RAID 0, 1, 10.''  Or it could be ``the driver supports
only SR.  The driver is what determines the mode, and it does this by
loading firmware into the card, and the first step in initializing the
card is always for the driver to load in a firmware blob.  All
currently-produced cards support SR.''  so...actually, now that I say
it, I guess the answer cannot be very simple.  It's going to have to
be a little complicated.

Anyway, I can guess, too.  I was hoping someone would know for sure

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