On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 10:58:34AM +0200, casper....@sun.com wrote:
> I know that this is one of the additional protocols developed for NFSv2 
> and NFSv3; does NFSv4 has a similar mechanism to get the quota?

Yes, NFSv4.0 and 4.1 both provide the same quota information retrieval
interface, three file/directory attributes:

 - quota_avail_hard
 - quota_avail_soft
 - quota_used

It's not clear if the values returned for these attributes are supposed
to specific to the credentials of the caller or what, but I assume it's
the former.  I don't know if the Solaris NFSv4 client and server support
this feature; the attributes are REQUIRED to implement in v4.1, but I'm
not sure if that's also true in v4.0).

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