I can't speak to whether it's a good idea or not, but I also wanted to do this 
and it was rather difficult. The problem is the opensolaris installer doesn't 
let you setup slices on a device to install to.

The two ways I came up with were:

1) using the automated installer to do everything because it has the option to 
configure slices before installing files. this requires learning a lot about 
the AI just to configure slices before installing.

2) - install like normal on one drive
   - setup drive #2 with the partition map that you want to have
   - zpool replace drive #1 with drive #2 with altered partition map
   - setup drive #1 with new partition map
   - zpool attach drive #1
   - install grub on both drives

Even though approach #2 probably sounds more difficult, I ended up doing it 
that way and setup a root slice on each, a slog slice on each, and 2 
independent swap slices.

I would also like to hear if there's any other way to make this easier or any 
problems with my approach that I might have overlooked.
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