On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 9:45 PM, David Magda <dma...@ee.ryerson.ca> wrote:

> On Jan 2, 2010, at 20:51, Tim Cook wrote:
>  Apple users not complaining is more proof of them having
>> not only drunk the koolaid but also bathed in it than them knowing any
>> lImtations of what they have today.  This coming from someone with a
>> MacBook pro sitting in the other room.
> Apple users not complaining is simply proof that most people don't care
> about these things because they have more important things to worry about
> (at least to them). There were plenty of users that were annoyed when it was
> announced that Apple and Sun couldn't agree on ZFS--my sister was not one of
> them.
Most people didn't complain when they had dial-up.  Try switching one of
them back to dial-up from broadband and let me know what kind of reaction
you get.  Just because a user is ignorant as to what they don't have,
doesn't mean they don't want it or wouldn't use it.  You're going to need a
far better argument than that.

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