> OK, I have 3Ware looking into a driver for my cards (3ware 9500S-8) as
> I dont see an OpenSolaris driver for them.
> But this leads me that they do have a FreeBSD Driver, so I could still
> use ZFS.
> What does everyone thing about that? I bet it is not as mature as on
> OpenSolaris.

"mature" is not the right term in this case.  FreeBSD has been around much
longer than opensolaris, and it's equally if not more mature.  FreeBSD is
probably somewhat less featureful.  Because their focus is heavily on the
reliability and stability side, rather than early adoption.  Also it's less
popular so there are ... less package availability.

And FreeBSD in general will be built using older versions of packages than
what's in OpenSolaris.

Both are good OSes.  If you can use FreeBSD but OpenSolaris doesn't have the
driver for your hardware, go for it.

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