> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Mertol Ozyoney
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 3:49 PM
> To: Brad Diggs
> Cc: zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org
> Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] Improving L1ARC cache efficiency with dedup
> Unfortunetly the answer is no. Neither l1 nor l2 cache is dedup aware.

I haven't read the code, but I can reference experimental results that seem to 
defy statement...

If you time write a large data stream of completely duplicated data to disk 
without dedup...
And time read it back...  It takes the same amount of time.

If you enable dedup and repeat the same test, it goes much faster.  Depending 
on a lot of variables, it might be 2x-12x faster.  
To me, "significantly faster than disk speed," can only mean it's benefitting 
from cache.

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