On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 08:48:54AM -0400, Hung-Sheng Tsao Ph.D. wrote:
> hi
> if U have not check this page please do
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS
> interesting info about the  status of ZFS in various OS
> regards

Thanks for the pointer. It doesn't answer my question though --
where the most development momentum is. It does seem that Illumian
is a Debian-flavored distro of OpenIndiana, so I wonder why
the napp-it author puts OpenIndiana first in his list.

It would be interesting to see when zpool versions >28 will
be available in the open forks. Particularly encryption is
a very useful functionality.

> my 2c
> 1)if you have the money buy ZFS appliance

I would certainly not give any money to Oracle.

> 2)if you want to build your self napp-it get solaris 11 support, it only  

Oracle Solaris is dead to me for pretty much the same reasons.

> charge the SW/socket  and not change by storage capacity
> Nexenta  Enterprise platform charge U $$ for raw capacity

I'm currently using NexentaCore which is EOL. It seems
my choices are either OpenIndiana or Illumian, which seem
to be very closely related.

> On 7/11/2012 7:51 AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>> As a napp-it user who recently needs to upgrade from NexentaCore I recently 
>> saw
>> "preferred for OpenIndiana live but running under Illumian, NexentaCore and 
>> Solaris 11 (Express)"
>> as a system recommendation for napp-it.
>> I wonder about the future of OpenIndiana and Illumian, which
>> fork is likely to see the most continued development, in your opinion?
>> Thanks.
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