With our daughter turning 8 last month, we went about ordering a set of
scriptures for her - a quad set - like we did for our son two years ago. 
We were wanting the middle of the road version...not the top of line but
not the "seminary" set either (we wanted the ones that are about $38US for
the quad).  Anyway, we were also wanting the burgundy cover.  However, no
such luck.  For that version, in the quad, they were out (and we're talking
Distribution, here).  They were out of them in burgundy, teal and blue. 
So, we got black with her name on it, of course, and then chose a scripture
carrier that was black with floral embroidery on it.

Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
 > Date: 9/29/2002 11:08:10 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Rumour about the scriptures
> Marc Schindler:
> There's an interesting rumour floating around. Apparently 
> the more expensive versions of the scriptures (like the leather 
> bound ones) are marked as "discontinued" now (this from the 
> owner of an LDS bookstore), although they're still available for 
> individual sale at the Church Distribution Centre online. This 
> couple who owns the bookstore says they were told there's 
> going to be some kind of revision within a year or two.
> John Redelfs:
> We really needed this, Marc.  It's always good to get in on the 
> ground floor of another urban legend. <grin>
> _______________
> [smile] This urban legend will consist of a reworking of the 
> LDS printing of the standard works, with some revised 
> headers and BD entries.  The TG is also being reviewed.  
> This project has been underway for some time now.  
> I first heard about this two years ago from sources I deem 
> to be reliable, but who were not at liberty to publicly discuss 
> the project.
> The new pictures in current editions of the scriptures are a 
> part of the project.
> So, since there will be a reprinting in the next year or so, the 
> existing stock of the expensive versions is being allowed 
> to deplete, with the distribution center being given priority 
> on the ones that are still left.
> After all, it has been over 20 years now since they came 
> out.  And to think I still see even older copies at Church on 
> Sunday.  Some members have really missed out.
> Larry Jackson
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Heidi Page

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