At 05:33 AM 10/7/02 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] favored us with:
>Wow, Rick!  Your wallpaper pic is amazing, too!  I've been lately rotating
>pictures from our family reunion back in July for my wallpaper.  We were up
>at my uncle Jim's cabin on Lake Clara waaaaaaay up in northern Minnesota,
>and the scenery there was amazing, as well.  However, I didn't go for
>shooting pics of the scenery...just the people.  Maybe next year, I'll be
>fortunate enough to snap a pic of a bald eagle (we saw one this year, just
>didn't take a pic of it) and a moose or two (from a distance!).

If you visit Ketchikan in the early summer, on any day you could probably photograph a 
"flock" of eagles.  They swarm like seagulls for the fish parts that are discarded 
from the salmon canneries here.

Your friend and brother,
John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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