On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 14:49:58 -0400 Jon Spencer
> My wife just received a letter from Church Distribution to our 
> bookstore
> outlining the changes in their scripture lines.  There are only two 
> changes
> to the contents of the scriptures:
> 1.  Doctrine and Covenants Section 139, the revelation on members 
> being
> required to purchase a white minivan (paid for with cash) has been 
> added.
> 2.  Article of Faith 14, the one that starts "We believe in 
> meetings," has
> been added.

OK, I can LIVE with AoF #14 (actually I DO live with it <vbg>), but
doggoneit, I just bought a RED minivan in July!!  NOW what?

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