At 01:23 PM 10/22/2002, you wrote:
I think it's time I correct an impression that I somehow have an anti-US
bias. I can see how that would come out, and those of you who know me
from LDS-Poll would see it even more there. The reasons, from *my*
perspective, for this are that I am by nature a bit of a contrarian, or
as I would put it, a "force of balance." I'm the kind of person who
would join the Democrats if I moved to Utah (or the Republicans if I
moved to, well, wherever....) What needs balancing, in my opinion?
Anyone who's a contrarian can't be all bad. I like to think of myself as one--constantly going against the grain. <grin>

Steven Montgomery

"Nations are defined by their founders. George Washington set a standard of
selfless public service and heroic private virtue against which American
politicians continue to be measured - and found wanting - even today." --Steven W. Mosher
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