I know that you are being facetious here, but I truly hope that this is not
your dream.  If this were to happen, you would lose all of your sacred
privileges and rights, and the US would be overtaken by the criminals among
us, including those who would like to redistribute your vast wealth.


John W. Redelfs wrote:

> Have any of you seen the comedy entitled Mars Attacks.  It is hilarious,
> and one of my favorite, recent films.
> Congress is dissolved to mere skeletons and then dust.  And the White
> is obliterated.
> I can think of very little that would so improve our nation, and restore
> our ancient liberties.  Anyway, it was just a joke.  But I have dreamed of
> such a thing for so long, it was a sweet dream come true, even if it was
> just little computer animated Martians.

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