I do not want to see the U.S. destroyed. I just know that it will be. Since I'd like to spend what remains of my mortal existence in relative comfort, I hope I am dead before much of these events take place.


At 04:22 PM 11/08/2002 -0500, you wrote:

OK, I'll go with your last statement.  But you said you would like to see
the destruction of the US capital.  That is what I was responding to.  If
you think that would not be a problem, go live in Saudi Arabia and try to go
on an exchange to see some Saudi investigators!


John W. Redelfs wrote:

> After much pondering, Jon Spencer favored us with:
> >I know that you are being facetious here, but I truly hope that this is
> >your dream.  If this were to happen, you would lose all of your sacred
> >privileges and rights, and the US would be overtaken by the criminals
> >us, including those who would like to redistribute your vast wealth.
> Our government threatens our liberties more than any terrorists.  Over a
> generation ago it became a rogue state exceeding its Constitutional
> authority.  It is out of control.  A wise man once said, "The government
> which governs the least governs the best." I was not being facetious.  The
> capital of our nation should be in Jackson County, not Washington, D. C.

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