In addition, there are Christian Arabs who feel the same way about the modern Jewish state. I can't name the author right now, but perhaps you can find it on the internet. Read a book entitled BLOOD BROTHERS and then tell me how you feel about the issue.

I played hookey today but for a good reason. Last night a friend called me in dire stress. She talked to me the greater part of the night and also the night before. Under the circumstances I felt too sleepy to go to church at the usual time. But I'm going to a fireside tonight and then to church next week and probably the temple at some point after I get my recommend renewed (probably a formality at this point).


At 12:07 AM 11/10/2002 -0600, you wrote:

Stacy wrote back:
>Why doesn't he count?  He claims as a Muslim he didn't hate Jews either,

>only the way modern Israel came into being.  I'll name another one who
>claims to have loved all people.  He even married a Christian woman
>he was Muslim, namely my sister.  He is from Turkey.  His name is Tahir
>Sozutek.  Need other examples?

Ok. Marc was right. Your pin popped my universal balloon but I think you
get my drift. My observations are that Muslims generally don't like the
Jews. I suppose the reverse is probably true too. I don't know.

Paul O

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