Hypocrisy is a troubling concept for me.  I often reflect on the rights 
and wrongs of my life, and find that I have generally fallen far short 
of the ideals and correct principles I claim to embrace.  In short, I am 
a hypocrite.

In my examination of NT scriptures, I note that Jesus reserved his 
strongest criticism for hypocrites.  He repeatedly delivered 
condemnation of hypocrites that would seem to have withered them in 
their tracks.  They of unfeeling hearts were stung by his words, and to 
hide their own guilt, ultimately they plotted to murder him.

It sickens me to realize that I so often put myself in that same 
category of those who do not live up to the standard they preach.  Yet 
those of us who strive to reach higher and do better are always bound to 
experience setbacks, and fall short of our goals.  It is a bitter 

How do we avoid hypocrisy, yet at the same time continually strive to 
exceed our own limits?  Jesus is the only perfect example.  At more 
reflective moments, the goal of being like him seems impossibly remote 
and discouraging.

Mij Ebaboc

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