After much pondering, Larry Jackson favored us with:
"Alottanukes Soon" is not the sort of title I would expect to
see in a professional magazine or journal.  It is the sort of
title I would expect my friends to make up when joking around
on a weekend evening.  This, in and of itself, of course does
not make the article untrue.  It is just a flag.
I completely missed the "Alottnukes Soon" in the byline. I am embarrassed that I passed on a hoax. I don't do that very often. Normally, I consider World Net Daily to be a pretty reliable source of information, keeping in mind that I don't think that any sources of information are reliable. How do you like that for a contradiction?

Anyway, sorry I posted something fraudulent to the list. How embarrasing. I hope that World Net Daily is embarrassed too.

Your friend and brother,
John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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