I wouldn't read anything into the fact that he's Armenian. It's just that he has
an Armenian name. But he considers himself a Turk -- "Anatolia" is not 100%
homogeneous, but includes Greeks, Armenians, Kurds and some others, besides "real"
Turks. There is no official missionary work there but there are missionary couples
who are allowed to proselytize. Turkey's constitution is secular and it will
probably be the first major Islamic nation to allow official missionary work (or
perhaps Kazakhstan, where there's also a branch that includes some locals).

Geoff FOWLER wrote:

> A Mormon Armenian in Turkey? I wonder if most of the members there are
> either ex-Pats or other Christian peoples, as opposed to Turks.
> Although, thanks to Ataturk, it should be easier for the Church in
> Turkey than in most other Islamic nations.
> Geoff
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/29/02 10:04PM >>>
> Dear Br. Topakian,
> It was nice to hear from you again. I certainly hadn't forgotten about
> you. My son had read the book already while he was in Russia on his
> mission, but I want to get a replacement copy, and FAIR
> (www.fairlds.com) has reprinted them and I'll be able to order a copy
> soon. There are people in my ward I want to lend it out to.
> Congratulations on being set apart as First Counsellor.  Do you know
> where other branches in Turkey are? (see www.gatheringofisrael.com and
> on the left side see the Atlas. But here's a shortcut to my current
> map
> of Turkey:
> http://www.gatheringofisrael.com/atlas/asia/middle_east/TUR_turkey.gif
> (all branches are branches of the Greece Athens Mission; it's nice to
> see former enemies united in the Gospel, isn't it? Now if we could
> just
> missionaries into Iraq :-)
> aratopakian wrote:
> > Dear Elder Schindler , I could not send you and tell you that I am
> > very grateful to you , because I lost your e-mail address .I am
> > grateful to you because , you had sent me a book about " How to
> defend
> > the anti-mormon attacks ? " . İt was your son's book and I was
> really
> > extremely pleased . Now again I am very happy to find you . I am the
> > first counselor of the branch presidency in İstanbul.I try to serve
> to
> > others ( Mosiah 2 : 14-19 ) . I hope that you are all well and I am
> > glad to meet you . İf you need anything from İstanbul do not
> hesitate
> > to write me sir . Meanwhile , I remain with kindest regards and very
> > best wishes . God bless you and your family . With love ,     Ara
> > Topakian
> > __________________________
>   Türkiye'nin tercihi! Mynet Email
> >
> --
> Marc A. Schindler
> Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland
> "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
> will pick himself up and continue on" * Winston Churchill
> Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
> author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
> author's employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
> may be associated.
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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