Jim Cobabe favored us with:
I think it is not doctrinal to assert that Heavenly Father is "subject
to natural law" in the same sense that we are.  To put it thus
incorrectly reverses the attribution of cause.

God decreed the laws of the universe, and sustains them by the word of
His power--the laws are subordinate to Him.  They are becase He is.  He
acts in a manner consistent with the laws of His own decree, not because
He is "subject" to natural law, but because "natural" laws are _His_
It is my understanding of Mormon doctrine that the laws by which Heavenly Father became and exalted being are coeternal with him. They are uncreate. And it was by obedience to these laws that he because God. Remember, he was once a mortal man. The idea that he made all the laws included those by which he progressed to become a God is a Protestant idea. It is akin to creating something from nothing, which of course is impossible even for God.

"...by proving contraries, truth is made manifest" --Joseph
Smith, History of the Church, Volume 6, p.248
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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