> I would be surprised if any man or woman can name something that
> God cannot do, whether because of the limitations of "natural
> law" or anything else, that doesn't fall into this class of
> false-by-definition.

> He cannot lie.
> He cannot disobey any of his own commandments.
> He cannot go back on his word.
> These are not false-by-definition

On the contrary, they are false by definition, or else false by wording 
choice. Here is the logic:

"God cannot lie" means either 1) God is incapable of lying, that is, he 
does not possess the moral capacity to tell an untruth or lead others 
astray through false communication; or, 2) God constantly and 
unfailingly chooses not to lie, at the peril of his very existence as 

In the former case, this is not an "inability" with God. Rather, it is a 
linguistic trick acknowledging God's perfect status; he is a Being in 
whom all truth independently dwells. He *cannot* lie, because whatever 
he says is, by definition, true. Saying in such a situation that God is 
"unable to lie" is clearly a verbal joust along the lines of saying that 
God is "unable to make a stone so big he can't lift it". In this case, 
the idea is certainly false by definition -- God's word itself being 
defined as truth.

In the latter case, saying "God cannot lie" is really another way of 
saying "God will not lie", since those who hold to idea #2 impute to God 
the ability to sin. It's not correct to say he "can't" in the sense of 
"it's outside his ability", but merely means he "can't" in the sense 
that "he will cease to exist as God if he does". This, then, is not an 
example of something God is actually unable to do, but rather an example 
of something God merely refuses to do. (I personally do not hold to this 
latter line of argument, but the point is, even if you do, you can't use 
it as an example of something God "can't" do, except in a verbal 


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