How do we forward replies over there?


At 02:00 AM 12/23/2002 -0900, you wrote:

The Zion list is moving.

Because of an unacceptable number of problems at Topica, I am moving the Zion list to SmartGroups. (

Also, because the software at SmartGroups will not accept a list name of only four characters, while hosted at SmartGroups the Zion list will be known as ZionsBest. I apologize for the name change. It distresses me somewhat too. But it is necessary.

Please send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Once the changeover is complete, the Zion list at Topica will be deleted. Please don't get left behind.

Also, list members may move to the new host on the website listed above.

I apologize for any inconvenience in this move; but Topica has just become too unreliable as a host, and I hope that the list will work better at SmartGroups.

Your friend and brother,
John W. Redelfs, Listowner of Zion, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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