I haven't spoken one word with my current bishop since a certain incident happened in our ward. How do I somehow break the stalemate?


Heidi Page:

> Okay, we're in this new branch ...

Stay cool. Every ward and branch is different.

> Am I just being too nit-picky here?

I don't think it really matters.  About the only thing you
or I could do is set an example when called on to pray, or
include it in a lesson we might be asked to give.

> ... that brother ... continues to try to make what I feel
> is too-close contact.

Either stick your hand out as if you wanted to shake his, or
just pull your arm away.

If the meeting wasn't in progress, you could say "Hello, dear"
and turn around all puckered up as if you were going to kiss
your husband.  Then, on recognizing it wasn't, add, "Eeww, yuck."

> His wife already doesn't like me;

Make a deal with her.  Tell her if her husband will quit making
passes at you, you will smile more often at her.

> She said something in class that wasn't correct ...

Just ask questions, then.  "Didn't [insert name] once say ... "
" Doesn't [insert scripture reference] say [read scripture]."

If that doesn't work, ask to teach Primary or the youth Sunday
School class.

> I prefer to be on good terms with all my fellow ward/branch
> members,

The gospel is still true.  It is the people in the Church that
aren't always so.  That's why there is a difference between
the gospel and the Church.

> Thanks for listening to my gripe session...

We weren't in the foyer, were we? Oh, good.

Larry Jackson

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