> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Cobabe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: November 6, 2003 7:59 AM
> Subject: [ZION] Death of the Dinosaurs -- Revisited
> Since this was the topic of an earlier discussion about a looming and
> lowering lunar orbit threatening the heads of taller dinosaurs, I
> thought it might be of passing interest...
That was one of our finer moments on ZION. Funny how we can hammer out
solutions to some of the world's greatest questions and the world pays
no mind to our brilliance, and then, over time, we forget it ourselves.
Thanks for the heads up (so to speak) Jim.


> ----
> Experts split on dinos' demise
>     Though conventional wisdom among many scientists -- and newspaper
> reporters -- widely favors an apocalyptic asteroid ending the age of
> dinosaurs, one group of scientists remains decidedly undecided:
> experts.
>     After examining surveys of researchers at various scientific
> meetings over the past two decades, paleontology student Keynyn Brysse
> of Canada's University of Alberta concludes that although most experts
> agree that an asteroid struck the Earth 65 million years ago, most
> agree enough evidence exists to definitively conclude that it killed
> dinosaurs.
>     Dinosaur research belongs to the field of vertebrate paleontology,
> the study of fossil remains of creatures with a backbone.
>     Supporters of the impact theory include geologists, who study rock
> layers, and invertebrate paleontologists, who study the fossils left
> behind by shelled sea creatures. Members of those disciplines
> overwhelmingly agreed in surveys that the asteroid impact caused the
> mass extinction. But echoing past surveys, about 72 percent of a group
> of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology members surveyed by Brysse this
> year contended that the extinction resulted from a combination of
> volcanic and climate effects along with the impact. Only 20 percent
> thought the impact alone killed off the dinosaurs. The remainder were
> uncertain about any cause.
> ////
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