Stephen Beecroft wrote:

So my question is: Does anyone on this list do martial arts-type stuff? Any ninjas, or karate kids, or judo choppers, or boxers, or Muay Thai kickboxers?

Grampa Bill comments:
Never had anything to do with any of the martial arts. If I recall correctly, however, from Cousin Bill's wedding, his bride's family has a Samurai ancestry as indicated from some of the emblems worn on the kimonos.
Bill's ancestry on the other hand only killed:

   * Yankees during the War of Northern Agression;
   * Brits during the American Revolution;
   * Indians during various Indian Wars;
   * Frenchmen during the Hundred Years War;
   * Blackamoors during Medieval Spain;
   * Assorted Muslims during the Crusades
   * Both Saxons and Normans during the Conquest of England;
   * Assorted Germanic Tribesmen who defied Charlmagne.
   * and other miscellaneous villains in conlicts too numerous to mention.

Other than that, we come from a long peaceful lineage. Yep, a peace-loving bunch we are.
Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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