Personally, I think it will start as a war of words, then move on to 
violence. The wicked will not prevail, but that doesn't mean they don't 
make their attempts.
For example, what is the logic in suicide/homicide bombing? Yes, you 
create terror, but you often lose more people than you take out. In wars 
past, Muslims in Libya and elsewhere were known to tie their legs back 
to their thigh, so they couldn't run from Hitler's tanks, while shooting 
with 19th century weapons.  Logic isn't required for crazed men to start 
a violent overthrow.
And when Satan gathers his force, they may not have the ability to win, 
but that may not stop them from thinking they can through violent 
Ragnarok, all over again....

Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
> At 09:11 AM 11/13/2003 -0500, Uncle Ron wrote:
> >Cool your fighting blood and freshen your synapses, Till.  If Brother
> >McConkie is right this will obviously be a war of words -- of good
> >thinking/doing prevailing over evil.  Otherwise, s'plain to me how one 
> >would
> >go about slaying the a spirit, or one of the Three Nephites, for 
> >instance.
> Skewer them with the sword of truth.  Gets 'em every time.  (right in 
> the 
> gizzard)
> Till, oilin' up his sword and gettin' ready to roll

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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