I'd like to request that the list be moderated.
ALthough one's opinoins about other Jews may be valid
in some respects it is not the purpose of this list.
The purpose of this list is to increase the knowledge
and awareness of Israel in the community. So far
little has been done to spread the message about
Israel to the local community. While the folks on this
list are well versed in all topics concerning Israel
we are simply preaching to the choir and we need to
start reach the congregation as well. 

Okay, that being said. We all need to actually get up
off our butts and do something about the fact that
Israel is much maligned in our media and by the so
called educated classes. We can start off by involving
ourselves in local Dmeocratic activities promoting
Democratic candidates who will support ISrael. We
should also ask those people who are morons of our
society to discontinue the practice of supporting
ISrael. The last thing we all need is Pat Robertson
supporting us. A letter writing campaign to Mr.
Roberston would be a good start. Right now he's
praying for Justice Ginsberg and her colleauges to die
and be replaced by conservatives so he's definately
not a good person for us!

Furthermore, protests and anti-protests need to be
organized. There are lectures and programs across teh
city that are geared towards making Israel look like
the blood thirsty oppressor and there is no Zionist
presence at these lectures armed with thougthful
questions and knowledge. 

I'm not sure who is running the YZOA these days but
more than a list serv is needed. Meetings and
discussions are the only way to start action in
support of Israel and these meetings and discussions
need to be timed in such a way so that people with
jobs and responsibilities are able to attend and
Thank You, 
Simona Loberant 


Simona L. Loberant

"Every now and then go away, even briefly, have a little relaxation, for when you come 
back to your work your judgment will be surer; since to remain constantly at work will 
cause you to lose power."
**Leonardo da Vinci

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