Last week, Christian Theune and I muscled the elderly ctheune- blobsupport-branch of ZODB into shape to work again against the ZODB trunk.

We ran into some "interesting" issues with supporting savepoints (difficult to do efficiently with blobs, so we didn't try), I added some somewhat suspect code to support blobs using a TmpStore, and we as always need to write some more tests, but it works and the result is on the blob-merge-branch of ZODB in SVN.

We also created a Zope branch to handle the ZODB head. Namely, we used multidatabase support. This is in the zodb-blobs-branch of Zope in SVN. This basically consisted of ripping out old DBTab code and replacing it with calls into ZODB's multidatabase support. It also works.

I'm still working on this in my downtime. If anyone else is interested in helping out, let me know!

- C

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