On 9/25/06, Josh Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If zones are used is there a limit to the number of slices that can be created?

My goal would be to setup a normal install with the normal slices such as /, 
/usr, /etc, /opt, /export/home and others that would be shared to the sparse 
zones then create at least 5 more slices for different sparse and whole zones 
which would be at least 10 zones. Does this make sense or is there a better way 
to accomplish this?

I don't think there is a _direct_ connection between zones and disk
slice limitations. If you need to go over seven slices on a physical
disk (or logical LUN), then you need to use SLVM Soft Partitions.

There may be a limitation in terms of the number of filesystems that
can be mounted in a non-global zone. We are using non-global zones
with at least 10 filesystems loopback mounted (LOFS) from the global
zone (that is, 10 LOFS _beyond_ the zone FS and the 4 pkg-inherited
LOFS mounts for a sparse zone).

Paul Kraus
zones-discuss mailing list

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