The only correct way to do capacity planning is to plot application throughput
with system utilization. Maybe you can run 40 Zones each with a webserver,
and a database Zone, or maybe 4. Or 1. It's completely workload dependent.

The system utilization data, without corresponding throughput and response
time values, are useless.

I don't mean to sound smug, but a given systems capacity is determined
by application-level delivered performance, not by whether mpstat(1)
indicates the CPUs have 10% idle or run queue depth.

An Oracle database workload alone could choke a SF440.
Running webservers handling dynamic content with media,
and handling 10k hits per hour is very different than simple
static content and 500 hits a week.


Dan Price wrote:
On Tue 13 Mar 2007 at 04:46PM, Morris Hooten - SLS Business Infrastructure 
Based on curent use cases and experienced users of containers
how many sparse root zones could be run on a sunfire 440
wit h4x 1.3 ghz cpus and 16gb ram? i currently have 10 sparse
zones with all running a webserver and a third running oracle.

my average at the moment is: load average: 0.50, 0.41, 0.48
would I be risking it to add three additonal zones running webservers and

thoughts? what should my load averages look like consistently?

Load average is not a great metric, although that looks ok.  Can
you post some output of 'mpstat 5' (let it run for a bit and make
sure you get a representative sample).

Also, the output of the bottom portion of 'prstat -Z' may be helpful.


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