Hi Christine,

Interesting report.

We also will be supporting the use of iSCSI with Sun Cluster.
Here is one specific problem that we have encountered that may or may
not affect you.

Sun Cluster plans to support an iSCSI disk as a quorum device.
Sun Cluster accesses the iSCSI disk early in the boot process.
When the iSCSI disk is on the same subnet as the cluster machines,
things work. When the iSCSI disk is on a different subnet
the system cannot find the iSCSI disk (ENXIO). However,
after Solaris is fully up we have no access problems.
Solaris automatically boots up zones in many configurations.
The point at which Solaris boots zones is later, so
you may or may not hit this problem. I would be
interested to hear whether you encounter this problem or not.

Ellard Roush

Christine Tran wrote:
> What is iSCSI?
> SCSI over TCP/IP.  iSCSI makes remote disks look local.  The remote host 
> with storage resource presents iscsi targets.  The client accessing the 
> storage is the initiator.  iSCSI initiator was present in S10 3/05 and 
> up.  iSCSI target went into S10 8/07.
> Why zones on iSCSI?
> iSCSI frees you from the limitation of putting zones on local storage. 
> The physical bits of the zoneroot can live anywhere accessible with a 
> network connection.  You can use the zone detach/attach function without 
> SAN or shared storage.  This ability circumvents a bunch of problems 
> associated with zonepath on NFS mount, for example, see  RFE 4963321: 
> hosting root filesystems for zones on NFS servers.
> What's the catch?
> Speed of zone installation and patching depends on how fast your network 
> is.  Currently it doesn't look like you can do a standard upgrade on a 
> box with zones on iSCSI LUNs because there's no iSCSI packages in the 
> miniroot.
> What works?
> Installing and booting zones on iSCSI targets, patching in single-user 
> mode, upgrading via LiveUpgrade.
> How to do it?
> This is a quick write-up.  I used ZFS zvol but this is not necessary. 
> ZFS makes creating iscsi targets PAINLESS and takes only one command.  I 
> placed the zonepath on a striped SVM volume because I was testing a 
> specific config, for speed, and eventually I want to use an SVM mirror 
> to provide redundancy for my zonepath.  Most outputs are omitted, what's 
> provided is for clarity.
> 1. create the targets
> 2. client discovery of target
> 3. label disk, lay down SVM, filesystem
> 4. configure zones
> 5. apply recommended patch cluster, LU patch cluster
> 6. lucreate, luupgrade, luactivate
> nvd is a box running snv_80 but S10 8/07 is just as good.  Client is 
> running S10 8/07.
> nvd# zpool create tran1 c0t18d0 c0t19d0
> nvd# zpool create tran2 c0t20d0 c0t21d0
> nvd# zfs create -V 16g tran1/xmen
> nvd# zfs create -V 16g tran2/hulk
> nvd# zfs set shareiscsi=on tran1/xmen
> nvd# zfs set shareiscsi=on tran2/hulk
> nvd# iscsitadm list target -v
> Target: tran1/xmen
> iSCSI Name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:4a46145b-8b71-69ab-8cee-c8a9c4367f0a
> Target: tran2/hulk
> iSCSI Name: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:f57bbbf8-3504-4d9e-8c2b-ddfa45cfb641
> ~> iscsiadm add static-config iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:4a46145
> b-8b71-69ab-8cee-c8a9c4367f0a,
> ~> iscsiadm add static-config iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:f57bbbf
> 8-3504-4d9e-8c2b-ddfa45cfb641,
> ~> iscsiadm modify discovery --static enable
> ~> devfsadm -i iscsi
> ~> iscsiadm list target -S
> Target: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:f57bbbf8-3504-4d9e-8c2b-ddfa45cfb641
> OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c5t01000003BA681D5F00002A0047E84932d0s2
> Target: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:4a46145b-8b71-69ab-8cee-c8a9c4367f0a
> OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c5t01000003BA681D5F00002A0047E84934d0s2
> ~> format
> [...]
>         8. c5t01000003BA681D5F00002A0047E84932d0 <SUN-SOLARIS-1 cyl 
> 32766 alt 2 hd4 sec 256>
>            /scsi_vhci/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         9. c5t01000003BA681D5F00002A0047E84934d0 <SUN-SOLARIS-1 cyl 
> 32766 alt 2 hd4 sec 256>
>            /scsi_vhci/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > label
>  > partition
> [Striping, nologging and noatime for speed]
> ~> metainit d30 1 2 c5t01000003BA681D5F00002A0047E84932d0s0
> c5t01000003BA681D5F00002A0047E84934d0s0 -i 32k
> ~> newfs -v /dev/md/dsk/d30
> ~> mount -F ufs -o nologging,noatime /dev/md/dsk/d30 /zones
> [You need the mount-at-boot option == yes, otherwise it would not mount 
> at boot, despite what the mount(1M) manpage says]
> ~> vi vfstab
> /dev/md/dsk/d30 /dev/md/rdsk/d30 /zones ufs 1 yes nologging,noatime
> ~> zonecfg -z zone1
> zonecfg:zone1> create
> zonecfg:zone1> set zonepath=/zones/zone1 [...]
> ~> zoneadm -z zone1 install
> ~> zoneadm -z zone1 boot
> {1} ok boot -s
> Entering System Maintenance Mode
> [iSCSI Initiator is present]
> ~> modinfo |grep -i iscsi
>   36  13252e8  2b4a0 271   1  iscsi (Sun iSCSI Initiator v20061003-0)
> [Target LUNS are present]
> ~> iscsiadm list target
> Target: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:f57bbbf8-3504-4d9e-8c2b-ddfa45cfb641
> Target: iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:4a46145b-8b71-69ab-8cee-c8a9c4367f0a
> [boot zones, apply patch cluster and LU patch cluster. sunsolve.sun.com 
> has a new content management system.  The old Infodoc 72099 is now 
> Document ID 206844:  Solaris[TM] Live Upgrade Software: Minimum Patch 
> Requirements.  Make sure you apply all the required patches.  This will 
> minimize your LU headaches.]
> [Create and discover new targets for your /zones on the ABE.  This is 
> d40 for me.]
> ~> lucreate -c s10u3 -C /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 -n s10u4
> -m /:/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0:ufs
> -m -:/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1:swap
> -m /zones:/dev/md/dsk/d40:ufs
> -l /var/adm/lu_error.log
> ~> luupgrade -u -n s10u4 -s
> /net/depot/export/solarisdvd.s10s_u4dvd/latest
> ~> luactivate s10u4
> You're done.  Hooray!  Longer write-up with output later.  On deck: zone 
> detach and attach, upgrade on attach.
> CT
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