On 04/28/09 06:09, Vincent Boisard wrote:
Thanks for your help,

Let me summarize this:

- Shared IP has the advantage that the global zone fully administers the network: zone don't have to (and even CAN'T) bother with it. There may be a slight advantage performance wise.

Yes. I would expect lower latency between zones using shared IP.

- Exclusive IP with VNIC is needed for some features and enables bandwidth management between the network and zones (Does it make sense to try to manage bandwidth between zones ?)

Does you application benefit from it? Would there be a difference if you moved the zone to a different system and wanted bandwidth limit then? The only reason I can think of to limit when co-located is so that when not co-located *and* bandwidth limits are in place, performance is about the same (if you are concerned about setting expectations of the users and meeting them later).

Keep in mind minimum bandwidth is 1.2Mbps, so for most applications that already seems to be a lot (thinking ssh and others like that and maybe Db access for a client, not web traffic on a major site).

I am curious about others' experiences and uses!




On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Steffen Weiberle <steffen.weibe...@sun.com <mailto:steffen.weibe...@sun.com>> wrote:

    On 04/27/09 13:40, Vincent Boisard wrote:

        Hi everyone,

        I am wondering, as Crossbow is now integrated, does it still
        make sense to use Shared IP Zones or is it better to use
        exclusive-ip zones with a vnic for each of them.
        With a vnic, we can benefit from the bandwidth management and
        al, but they may be performance issues...

        What do you think about it ?

    Some cases need exclusive IP Instances, such as where you need to
    have isolation, force traffic in certain ways (static routes,
    preventing kernel from looping traffic back up [1]).

    In those cases where you have a choice to use either, the primary
    reason I see going shared IP is that the global administrator
    manages the network. With exclusive IP, the non-global administrator
    can/must manage that. Maybe not a big deal, unless you give root
    privileges to the zones users, and they can then make changes with
    out any constraints, and that is something that is not desirable in
    your installation.


    [1] Two or more VNICs on the same NIC with IP addresses on the same
    subnet will *not* have traffic leave the system. Something to keep
    in mind. The destination MAC address must be on a different node on
    the network for it to go out the NIC. That node could be a VNIC on a
    different NIC, but not on the same VNIC. Underneath the VNICs is
    essentially a switch, to help create the picture. This is partially
    good--traffic between zones sharing a VNIC is slower than shared
    (not sure how much) and faster than going out on the wire. Yet you
    still have the other benefits.




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