On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 6:09 AM, Vincent Boisard <vbois...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your help,
> Let me summarize this:
> - Shared IP has the advantage that the global zone fully administers the
> network: zone don't have to (and even CAN'T) bother with it. There may be a
> slight advantage performance wise.
> - Exclusive IP with VNIC is needed for some features and enables bandwidth
> management between the network and zones (Does it make sense to try to
> manage bandwidth between zones ?)

I would add:

 - Exclusive IP is needed in certain situations, but without VNICs the
number of exclusive-IP zones is severely restricted - usually 1 or 2
of them per system. With VNICs you can have hundreds of exclusive-IP

> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Steffen Weiberle
> <steffen.weibe...@sun.com> wrote:
>> On 04/27/09 13:40, Vincent Boisard wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I am wondering, as Crossbow is now integrated, does it still make sense
>>> to use Shared IP Zones or is it better to use exclusive-ip zones with a vnic
>>> for each of them.
>>> With a vnic, we can benefit from the bandwidth management and al, but
>>> they may be performance issues...
>>> What do you think about it ?
>> Some cases need exclusive IP Instances, such as where you need to have
>> isolation, force traffic in certain ways (static routes, preventing kernel
>> from looping traffic back up [1]).
>> In those cases where you have a choice to use either, the primary reason I
>> see going shared IP is that the global administrator manages the network.
>> With exclusive IP, the non-global administrator can/must manage that. Maybe
>> not a big deal, unless you give root privileges to the zones users, and they
>> can then make changes with out any constraints, and that is something that
>> is not desirable in your installation.
>> Steffen
>> [1] Two or more VNICs on the same NIC with IP addresses on the same subnet
>> will *not* have traffic leave the system. Something to keep in mind. The
>> destination MAC address must be on a different node on the network for it to
>> go out the NIC. That node could be a VNIC on a different NIC, but not on the
>> same VNIC. Underneath the VNICs is essentially a switch, to help create the
>> picture. This is partially good--traffic between zones sharing a VNIC is
>> slower than shared (not sure how much) and faster than going out on the
>> wire. Yet you still have the other benefits.

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