On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 20:43, Patrick Hunt<ph...@apache.org> wrote:
> Bernd Fondermann wrote:
>> Well, I'm not guessing any more than you do. :-)
> :-)
>> I didn't -1, because I've no binding vote anyway on this PMC.
>> I just checked out the release and gave feedback, whether it's
>> appreciated or not I'm not quite sure.
> We take all serious votes seriously.
>> Imperative to whom?
>> Hurrying a release never serves well. Votes at Apache should run for
>> at least 72 hrs. It's also convenient to give a timezone and time when
>> the vote ends, because EOD might be at different times for different
>> people.
>> If this is a security fix, however, I think a shorter timeframe is ok.
>> But it is not labelled as such.
> There is no hurry here. The vote started when my initial email was sent -
> specifically "08/28/2009 11:21 AM" and closed on "09/03/2009 03:36 PM",
> which is greater than the requisite 72 hrs. You make a good point however, I
> will include timezone in subsequent emails.

I couldn't make out when the release vote had been started.
Looks like a great release then.
Thanks for bearing with me,


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