This is relatively easy to do now, although somewhat inelegant.

You can make configuration changes and then do a rolling restart of the

A more elegant solution in which you add additional servers without a
restart should be relatively easy to build into the code if you can make it
look like the new machine is simply a reboot of a previously known machine.

Folk like Ben and Patrick and Mahadev should have better informed ideas
about that.

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 12:25 PM, <> wrote:

> Our product would require support for dynamic addition and deletion of ZK
> servers to the cluster. We would like to come up with a design, propose the
> design to the ZK developers and then implement the feature once the design
> is signed off by the ZK developers. Before we go down that path, I would
> like to know if people already have any ideas on this that they could share
> with us. Also, we don't want to duplicate the effort, so we would appreciate
> if you let us know anyone is already working on a design proposal for this
> feature.
> Thanks
> Raghu

Ted Dunning, CTO

111 West Evelyn Ave. Ste. 202
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
858-414-0013 (m)
408-773-0220 (fax)

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