ZOOKEEPER-646 in place.

On 1/15/10 12:46 PM, Henry Robinson wrote:
Sounds like it is definitely worth a JIRA - please do create one!
Keeping the discussion together can focus it, and is much more likely
to lead to patches :)


2010/1/15 Kay Kay<kaykay.uni...@gmail.com>:
Thanks Mahadev /  Flavio for the pointers.

There are definitely some practical scenarions  that we feel would be useful
with this / that I should be able to put down over the w/e .

Curious ,  does this warrant a jira to consolidate the discussion to keep in
one place ? I had been trying to gather bits and pieces from various sources

On 1/15/10 1:17 AM, Flavio Junqueira wrote:
Hi, Mahadev said it all, we have been thinking about it for a while, but
haven't had time to work on it. I also don't think we have a jira open for
it; at least I couldn't find one. But, we did put together some comments:


One of the main issues we have observed there is that partitioning will
force us to change our consistency guarantees, which is far from ideal.
However, some users seem to be ok with it, but I'm not sure we have

In any case, please feel free to contribute or simply express your
interests so that we can take them into account.


On Jan 15, 2010, at 12:49 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:

Hi kay,
  the namespace partitioning in zookeeper has been on a back burner for a
long time. There isnt any jira open on it. There had been some
on this but no real work. Flavio/Ben have had this on there minds for a
while but no real work/proposal is out yet.

May I know is this something you are looking for in production?


On 1/14/10 3:38 PM, "Kay Kay"<kaykay.uni...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Digging up some old tickets + search results - I am trying to understand
what current state is , w.r.t support for namespace partitioning in
zookeeper.  Is it already in / any tickets-mailing lists to understand
the current state.

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