Hi Jordan, you've seen this once or frequently? (having the server + client logs will help alot)


On 05/12/2010 11:08 AM, Jordan Zimmerman wrote:
Sure - if you think it's a bug.

We were using Zookeeper without issue. I then refactored a bunch of
code and this new behavior started. I'm starting ZK using "zkServer
start" and haven't made any changes to the code at all.

I'll get the logs together and post a JIRA.


On May 12, 2010, at 10:59 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:

Hi Jordan, Can you create a jira for this? And attach all the
server logs and client logs related to this timeline? How did you
start up the servers? Is there some changes you might have made
accidentatlly to the servers?

Thanks mahadev

On 5/12/10 10:49 AM, "Jordan Zimmerman"<jzimmer...@proofpoint.com>

We've just started seeing an odd error and are having trouble
determining the cause. "Xid out of order. Got 8 expected 7" Any
hints on what can cause this? Any ideas on how to debug?

We're using ZK 3.3.0. The error occurs in ClientCnxn.java line


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