
Le 27/12/07 9:49, Wichert Akkerman a écrit :
Previously Damien Baty (ML) wrote:

For the record, I have proposed a patch that let us automatically register a permission if the profile explicitly asks for it, with something like:

    <permission name="My new permission"
      <role name="Manager"/>



I think it's the wrong place to register permissions. Permissions are
something both code and application configuration (ie zcml) relies
on. That suggests that registering permissions in a GS profile is too
late in the game.

To me it makes a lot more sense to register permissions and their default roles in zcml.

Good point. But... how do you do that, then? :) There is a 'grant' directive in Zope 3 defined in 'zope.app.securitypolicy', but this package is not part of Zope 2.10 (nor Zope 2.11). Is there something else I can use in Zope 2 to define permission/roles mappings?


Damien Baty
Pilot Systems - 9, rue Desargues - 75011 Paris - France
Telephone : +33 (0)1 44 53 05 55 - http://www.pilotsystems.net
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