Charlie Clark wrote:
SELECT count(attribute) FROM relatiin WHERE condition

Ah, okay, now I gotcha...

only returns 1 result so it's independent of LIMIT and result sets.

I wonder how the two methods compare efficiency-wise?

Yes, well, we're talking about MySQL specifically ;-)

Maybe although I sometimes why MySQL does anything: the documentation seems to imply that many decisions were sort of "let's do it like this": cf. particularly the recommendations for writing queries with JOINs. Personally I do not see it as valid SQL to predicate a query on "what was just asked".

Sorry, not a lot of this paragraph made sense :-S

Regarding the original question: if I know I am working with LIMITs or result sets then this implies I don't want to know the total size of the results beyound len(results).

Not so. Think of batches:

"Now showing Results 5 - 10 of 25"

But why not just return all the rows and only show 5 of them?

"Now showing Results 5 - 10 of 250000"


Yes, it'll likely be a slower query anyway, but I can assure you, Zope turning each of those rows into a Result object will be a LOT slower...



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