On Sep 7, 2005, at 12:15 PM, Florent Guillaume wrote:

Gary Poster wrote:
> On Aug 31, 2005, at 3:55 PM, Benji York wrote:
>> I've added a proposal for Zope 3.2.  Read at http://www.zope.org/
>> Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ComponentArchitecture/ResourceLibrary.
>> WARNING: zope.org exhibiting some serious caching strangeness, so
>> please comment on the list instead of the wiki.

Benji posted this last week and we don't have any feedback yet. We would really like some, even if it is to ask us to clarify what the heck it is about. Some of our other code that we want to contribute depends on this.

This is very interesting and very needed, big +1.

How does the code do the insertion inside the generated browser HTML?

Currently, we have a custom response; when you write to the response, it looks for a <head> and sticks the code right after it. Using the response is a bit of a hack: it will be nicer if/when we can use a WSGI pipeline element.

Does the ZPT replace="resource_library:my-lib" trigger all this?

Yes, you are declaring that you want the resource_library named my- lib to be available in the head of the main page. We thought we might actually replace something sometime, but it turns out, so far at least, discarding the result would be fine too.

It can also be done with a Python API called in your view class code, described in the readme; it might be better there, in fact, even though that was a late addition to our code, since the TALES call is arguably an abuse of the syntax.

I'd expected to see a browser:something directive to specify that,

Yes, we agree, not putting it in the browser namespace was an oversight. We'll fix that.

conceptually you could do the insertion in other outputs beside HTML.

I think that's where the WSGI pipeline comes in--I think that's bigger than resourcelibrary's mission.

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