Florent Guillaume wrote:

> Tarek Ziadé wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Some UI works have been done lately around and in Zope 3.  I am thinking
>> about the work that has been done at Neckar sprint (Zope3.org website,
>> Viewlets, etc..),  and on projects like CPSSkins for Z3 at ECM.
>> I am planning to work on UI things as well, and on Ajax things in
>> particular, both for Zope 2 and Zope 3 applications, and trying to
>> choose the right Javascript toolkit for this.
>> Before starting it up, I was thinking that it would be nice if the whole
>> Z3 community would be using the same toolkit, and maybe, even integrate
>> it into Z3 itself.
>> This would allow developers to start some js things today under Z2/Five
>> and port them. This would also probably lead into a "Z3 way" to do ajax
>> and javascript things.
>> What people think ?
>> If this sounds like a good Idea, I would like to start a Z3 proposal on
>> this topic, and contribute on its integration in Z3.
> Myself I absolutely love the approach taken by CrackAjax
> (http://www.aminus.org/blogs/index.php/phunt/2005/10/06/subway_s_new_ajax_framework)
> I'm sure lots could be improved like improving python->javascript
> translation, allowing for explicit javascript when really needed,
> improving the testability, etc.

Yes it needs inprovment indeed: the problem I had with this approach at
this time is that the python written that is meant to be translated in
js via an ast engine. it makes the Python code looks like pseudo-javascript.

see in this example:

the update_list() is using things like "document.getElementById()" and
the 'document' variable is not existing at all in python side, if i get
it right.

I was wondering in fact what was the benefit of doing it, beside having
a strong aversion of doing js coding (and that aversion can be
really improved by using toolkits like mochikit)


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