On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 05:15:43PM -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
| >Any thoughts?
| I think that the way the server and app are integrated needs to be 
| rethought.
| I think we need to look at how to leverage Paste Deploy in Zope.
| I hate to mention this with all of the discussion about ZConfig, but we 
| should
| probably consider using PasteDeploy as an alternative to ZConfig. (Jim 
| ducks.)
| Alternative, we should redo the Zope 3 ZConfig schema to work with the 
| Paste Deploy
| APIs. Obviously, if we do the later, I'd prefer to do so after we've 
| decided how
| we're going to reimplement ZConfig.
| In the short term, you might try teasing out the app and server from Zope
| and see if you could wire them up with Paste Deploy.

Alright, I had a first stab at it, and managed to get Zope 3's
WSGIPublisherApplication wired as a WSGI application using Paste

The result of this has been imported into:

There are a bunch of issues to be resolved, like the fact that it's
not possible to access the initial ZConfig options object because it's
thrown away, so, in order of priority:

1. It's not possible to find where the <INSTANCE_HOME> is.
2. It's not possible to access the configured root database, I've
   worked around this by using a event subscriber and some sort of
3. Zope's servers assume that all 'IServerType' utilities accept a
   'db' argument. It should be optional.

Other than that, I will be experimenting with hooking additional
filters to be applied, for example:

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems, LLC.
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