My 2 EuroCents:

Vision 1 is, I think what is happening at the moment for pragamatic and practical reasons. Drawbacks of this is that we loose the ZopeX3 (Zope3X?) vision of cutting loose from old burdens and take off to new horizons.

Vision 2, on the other hand (at least to me in my not-really-started-with-z3-development-yet situation), is a lot more appealing for a variety of reasons, not the least that choosing working development model (zope2 and zope3 for starters, there may be others) becomes a "configuration"(*) issue.

The potential benefits of this approach are very appealing (almost like eating the cake and still having it :), so I vote for vision 2.


(*) Configuration in a broad sense: mind model, conf-files, development model, etc...
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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