Hi there,

Anybody tried to use the above?
For me it raises

  Module zope.app.form.utility, line 348, in getWidgetsData
  Module zope.app.form.browser.widget, line 295, in getInputValue
  Module zc.datetimewidget.datetimewidget, line 123, in _toFieldValue
    res = normalizeDateTime(res, self.request)
  Module zc.datetimewidget.datetimewidget, line 48, in normalizeDateTime
    dt = zc.i18n.date.normalize(request, dt)
  Module zc.i18n.date, line 74, in normalize
    tzu = tzinfo.fromutc(dt).tzinfo
ValueError: fromutc: dt.tzinfo is not self

Seems like that happens when in zc.i18n.date tzinfo == UTC

def normalize(request, dt):
    if dt.tzinfo is None:
        tzinfo = ITZInfo(request)
        tzinfo = dt.tzinfo
    tzu = tzinfo.fromutc(dt).tzinfo

Anyway normalizing an UTC datetime to UTC is useless?!?!?
So if nobody goes against I'll correct that.

Best regards,
 Adam                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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- Gerald Horton Bath 

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