Hello Jim,

My specific usecase is:

                  ----->| Final |
      ---------- /      ---------
...-->| Update |-       ---------
      ---------- \----->| Issue |-->...
          ^       \     ---------
          |        \    ----------
          |         \-->| Review |
          |             ----------
          |                  |
Update -> Final is guarded by "review_result == 'accepted'"
Update -> Issue is guarded by "transitionName == 'update_issue'"
Update -> Review is guarded by "transitionName == 'update_review'"
On the UI I put up every possible transition. Now if my crazy user
chooses Final if review_result != 'accepted' then bang, the
process gets finished. No errors, no messages, no exceptions.
I already thought of filtering the possible transitions on the UI, but
how? transitionName still forces the other conditions to false. A kind
of transition-precondition is not available as I know.
In this usecase raising an exception and thus not letting any
transition to fire fits me perfectly.

XPDL would give the options
- exception
- default exception
- otherwise
but none of these are implemented in zope.wfmc.

I think finishing the whole process is definitely bad behaviour.
But what's correct? Please give a hint what should be done.

Monday, September 11, 2006, 4:00:01 PM, you wrote:

JF> On Sep 10, 2006, at 9:00 AM, Adam Groszer wrote:

>> Hello,
>> I think I found a bug in zope.wfmc.
>> Let's say the Review>Publish and Review>Reject transitions are guarded
>> by conditions.
>>                               -----------
>>                            -->| Publish |
>>   ----------   ---------- /   -----------
>>   | Author |-->| Review |-    ----------
>>   ----------   ---------- \-->| Reject |
>>                               ----------
>> If at Review.workItemFinished() both conditions are still _FALSE_ the
>> wfmc package finishes the whole process.
>> I think the correct behaviour should be to not to allow to finish the
>> workitem.

JF> I don't think that would be correct.

>> Maybe an exception should be raised?

JF> You can actually model that in xpdl using an exception, although I  
JF> don't reflect off-hand  if that is supported in zope.wfmc.

JF> Jim

JF> --
JF> Jim Fulton                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]             Python 
JF> CTO                             (540) 361-1714                  
JF> Zope Corporation        http://www.zope.com             http://www.zope.org

Best regards,
 Groszer Adam
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