Jim Fulton wrote:
>> As I opted to take care for the Zope 3.4 release and Zope 3.3 is out of
>> the door since yesterday, I've updated the roadmap.
> http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ComponentArchitecture/RoadMap


> I think we should move the alpha and beta schedules up. IMO, we should
> schedule the first beta and thus the feature freeze for early April.

Ah. Thanks for bringing that up. I thought about that already but forgot
about that. I already thought the test times are too short. I'll move
them up as suggested.

>> The largest project that I know of that aims for Zope 3.4 will be the
>> eggification of Zope 3.
> Yup.  I fear that we if decide to support Python 2.5, that will be a
> bigger project.

Ok. Something to do for Zope 3.5!

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