I don't know how to interpret this note. Are you suggesting that these should be the dependencies? I don't know what the relevence of the "flat is better than nested" quote or of the indentation in the list below. (Perhaps that was an accidental result of using tabs.

In any case, look at what I did to zope.component. In particular, see the use of extras to try to limit and segment the dependencies.


Yes, I've commented some dependencies for the moment because they aren't currently realizable. :(

There are a few things to note:

- I need zope.component to be easily installable now. :) In particular, for a course I'm teaching at PyCon on Tuesday.

- I used a separate test extra to capture test dependencies.

- The zcml support currently causes a dependency on all of zope. : ( This makes it impossible to run the tests for the zcml support without a zope checkout. We need to fix this.

What do people think of using extras this way? I think it makes a lot os sense for tests.


On Feb 20, 2007, at 10:48 AM, BaijuMuthukadan wrote:

From Zen of Python (``import this``)::

  Flat is better than nested.
  Sparse is better than dense.

============================ ================================================= ================================================= Package Runtime Dependency Testing Dependency ============================ ================================================= =================================================
zope.annotation               - ZODB
                              - setuptools
                              - zope.app.container
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.testing
zope.cachedescriptors         - zope.testing
zope.component                - ZODB
                              - zope.configuration
                              - zope.deferredimport
                              - zope.deprecation
                              - zope.event
                              - zope.exceptions
                              - zope.hookable
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.proxy
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
zope.configuration            - zope.deprecation
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.testing
zope.contentprovider          - zope.app.pagetemplate
                              - zope.app.testing
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.contentprovider
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.location
                              - zope.publisher.interfaces
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.tales
                              - zope.testing
zope.contenttype              - None
zope.copypastemove            - zope.annotation
                              - zope.app.component
                              - zope.app.container
                              - zope.app.container.tests
                              - zope.app.principalannotation
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.event
                              - zope.exceptions
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.lifecycleevent
                              - zope.location
                              - zope.testing
zope.datetime                 - None
deferredimport                - zope.proxy
                              - zope.testing
dependencytool                - None
zope.deprecation              - zope.testing
zope.documenttemplate         - zope.security
                              - zope.security.untrustedpython
                              - zope.structuredtext
                              - zope.testing
zope.dottedname               - zope.testing
zope.dublincore               - ZODB
                              - zope.annotation
                              - zope.app.component
                              - zope.app.testing
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.datetime
                              - zope.event
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.lifecycleevent
                              - zope.location
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
zope.event                    - None
zope.exceptions               - zope.interface
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
zope.filerepresentation       - zope.app.container
                              - zope.interface
zope.formlib                  - zope.app.container
                              - zope.app.form
                              - zope.app.form.browser
                              - zope.app.pagetemplate
                              - zope.app.testing
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.deferredimport
                              - zope.event
                              - zope.formlib
                              - zope.i18n
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.lifecycleevent
                              - zope.publisher
                              - zope.publisher.interfaces
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
                              - zope.traversing
zope.fssync                   - zope.app.fssync
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.proxy
                              - zope.xmlpickle
zope.hookable                 - zope.testing
zope.i18n                     - pytz
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.configuration
                              - zope.i18n
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.publisher
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.testing
zope.i18nmessageid            - zope.testing
zope.index                    - ZODB
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.testing
zope.interface                - zope.testing
zope.lifecycleevent           - zope.annotation
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.deferredimport
                              - zope.dublincore
                              - zope.event
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.testing
location                      - zope.app.component.interfaces
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.proxy
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
                              - zope.traversing
zope.modulealias              - zope.configuration
                              - zope.interface
zope.pagetemplate             - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.tal
                              - zope.tales
zope.proxy                    - zope.interface
                              - zope.testing
zope.publisher                - zope.app.testing
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.deferredimport
                              - zope.deprecation
                              - zope.event
                              - zope.exceptions
                              - zope.i18n
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.location
                              - zope.proxy
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
zope.rdb                      - ZODB
                              - zope.app.container
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.configuration
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.rdb
                              - zope.rdb.gadfly
                              - zope.rdb.tests
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
                              - zope.thread
schema                        - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.testing
security                      - RestrictedPython
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.configuration
                              - zope.exceptions
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.location
                              - zope.proxy
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
                              - zope.thread
sendmail                      - ZODB
                              - zope.app.component
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.configuration
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.sendmail
                              - zope.testing
zope.sequencesort             - None
zope.server                   - ZODB
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.deprecation
                              - zope.i18n.interfaces
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.publisher
                              - zope.publisher.interfaces
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
zope.size                     - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
zope.structuredtext           - None
zope.tal                      - zope.i18n.interfaces
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.pagetemplate
zope.tales                    - zope.interface
                              - zope.tal
                              - zope.testing
zope.testbrowser              - zope.app.component
                              - zope.app.folder
                              - zope.app.testing
                              - zope.deprecation
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.testing
testing                       - zope.exceptions
zope.testrecorder             - None
zope.thread                   - None
zope.traversing               - zope.annotation
                              - zope.app.applicationcontrol
                              - zope.app.component
                              - zope.app.container
                              - zope.app.folder
                              - zope.app.publisher.browser
                              - zope.app.testing
                              - zope.app.zptpage
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.i18n.interfaces
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.location
                              - zope.proxy
                              - zope.publisher
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
zope.viewlet                  - zope.app.pagetemplate
                              - zope.app.publisher.browser
                              - zope.app.testing
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.configuration
                              - zope.contentprovider
                              - zope.i18nmessageid
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.location
                              - zope.publisher
                              - zope.publisher.interfaces
                              - zope.schema
                              - zope.security
                              - zope.testing
                              - zope.traversing
                              - zope.viewlet
zope.wfmc                     - zope.cachedescriptors
                              - zope.component
                              - zope.event
                              - zope.interface
                              - zope.testing
zope.xmlpickle                - zope.testing

============================ ================================================= =================================================

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